07. January 2021

kiss my kitchen - even if i'm not a chef


i love my kitchen - multiple - also it's the top area of my boys and me. we sit, talk, play games, discuss, get happy and angry, smile, laugh out loud and sometimes also cry there. homeschooling, home office, bookkeeping etc. our kitchen is the center of our life! the original meaning of a kitchen is not our main reason to use the kitchen as i am not a chef at all - hate baking a bit even…. but i love eating and i am totally addicted to decorate the table and put flowers - mostly seasonal topics - here and there and everywhere! when i got to know the both girls behind the brand kiss my kitchen, my universe of kitchen decoration got even brighter! so here are some question to  stefanie & mirja - the great creators behind kiss my kitchen. maybe you will fall in love with it, too.


Q: you create fashion for the kitchen what is your kitchen secret aka life hack? 
A: our absolute number one fav is our sustainable roll…. for our hands, glasses, normal washing our even the windows and when they are not that beautiful anymore, we use them for the bikes or shoes. that roll is just amazing. totally stylish and sustainable as well.

Q: what is your most loved fashion brand?
A: super easy to answer. we love to keep it cool and simple. denim by acne or closed and tees by heysoho. when we want to dress up — we choose sosue or also isabel marant.

Q: what’s your most loved kind of work in your households?
A: hoovering - we do that all the time.

Q: is your own work in your household inspiring for your collection?
A: kiss my kitchen generally was created to make simple items out of the world of households -  simple but yet stylish plus for sure sustainability is a key thought to it all. It makes ourselves happy on a daily base.

Q: do you cook together and clean up afterwards as a team?
A: sure - there is always a kid to feed and also we are mostly hungry…hahaha... most of the time also in this case we try to keep it simple like pasta with pesto. both of us are not the biggest chefs, but that’s fine for us as well.

Q: do you decorate your kitchen additionally with flowers? and if so - which is your favorite one?
A: oh - we have a different approach to this. me (mirja) love seasonable flowers the most. e.g. camomile and eucalyptus. steffi is not so much into flowers as her cats would simply destroy or even eat them.

Q: and when it comes to dish washing - lots of people turn on the music and sing along on repeat - which song would you listen to?
A: oh sure - music is our kitchen companion of course. me (mirja) worked at a radio station for a really long time - so still, i prefer radio energy. my absolute fav is „magic" by kylie and holly water - sometimes on repeat.

Q: when it comes to my kitchen, I have collected several kitchen items within the past, sadly most of them a dust-magnets - what are your kitchen item failiors?
A: me (mirja) i got myself a thermomix and never use it - don't even pull it out of the cupboard.