11. April 2017
the look vs the age
goodmorning fashion world - how are you today?!
feeling good i hope. i feel supergood today - in my yellow cashmere jumper, my fav denim and my tatatatataa new denim jacket!
yes. i know, it's a keeper!
so, when i saw that wonderful denim jacket hanging there - solo waiting for me - i thought YES - it is just exactly what i love and
then i accidentally looked in the BIG mirrow next to me and i thought: maybe the face and the jacket don't go togteher just as perfect
as i thought they would.
i am 42 years old and a girly denim jacket may not be the perfect matchimatchi. the faded denim, the 70th style, the cropped tailoring… stop... here we are - i decided to go for it as the look of the jacket and me, we were born the same decade (!!! yes i know - heavenly made for eachother)... exactly it all depends on the way you look at something! a wrong point of view, may destroy more than a look!
still i must admit: there are lovely pieces in my wardrobe, which don't go together with my age, but it's hard to say ciao ciao to them - so i will
just try to put them in another context and make them look perfect even for my age and i hope, that if that does not work the way i think it does, my
friends or my boys will tell me and don't let me walk out of my appartment wearing an inappropriate look.
so now dance through the day in your classic chucks and wear the look, which was born the same decade as you were.
outfit: jacke: &otherstories
pulli: barbara lohmann
jeans: zara
sneaker: converse